The CGI offers training and a variety of fee-for-service NextGen sequencing and genotyping services for all UCONN affiliated faculty and lab personnel/students. A full list of services and associated costs can be found by visiting the CGI Service Rates page. Services to non-UCONN scientists are available and subject to availability and offered in accordance with service center charges under UConn Financial Management Policy (*)
Visit our CGI Policies Page which details the procedures for CGI instrument access, fee-for-service billing, data storage, etc.
Instrument Access
The instruments listed below are available through either our fee-for-service program (see below) or our on-site instrument access program for experienced users. Users will be charged on a per-run basis, following either the assisted or unassisted access fee structure. Please visit the CGI Service Rates page for these rates.
- ABI 3500 Capillary Sequencers
- BioRad CFX96 Real-Time PCR System
- Agilent TapeStation 2200
- Illumina NextSeq 500 Sequencer (Storrs, CT and 400 Farmington Ave Location)
- Illumina MiSeq Sequencer (Storrs, CT and 400 Farmington Ave Location)
- Affymetrix GeneChip Microarray System
- Affymetrix GeneAtlas System
- Fluidigm C1 Single-Cell Auto Prep, BioMark HD and Access Array Systems
- 10X Chromium
Fee-for-Service Services: NextGen Library Preparation/Sequencing and Genotyping
In addition to instrument access, the CGI offers many NextGen sequencing, microarray and single cell genomics services:
- Cytoscan HD Array kit for the Affymetrix GeneChip
- WT Expression Array kit for the Affymetrix GeneAtlas
- Affymetrix GeneChip Whole Transcriptome human 2.0
- Illumina TruSeq Stranded Total RNA and mRNA Library Prep
- Illumina TruSeq small RNA Library Prep
- TruSeq DNA Nano Library Prep (low input)
- TruSeq Methyl-Seq Library Prep
- TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep
- RAD-Seq
- Amplicon Sequencing (Illumina)
- Exome Sequencing (Human and Mouse)
- Fluidigm Single Cell mRNA-Seq on the NextSeq 500
- 10X Chromium WGS and Exome Sequencing
- 10X Chromium Single Cell mRNA-Seq
Laboratory Training
The CGI holds hands-on, laboratory training for many applications, supported by the Center equipment and staff, including but not limited to NextGen sequencing and Affymetrix genotyping. Individuals (students, faculty and staff) across all UConn campuses are eligible to participate in CGI sponsored training. All training fees go directly toward instrument maintenance, service contracts and reagents/consumables for training. Participants can bring a sample of their own for training if desired, allowing for participant data collection that can be used as proof of principle or preliminary data for grant submissions, etc. Trainings are offered throughout the year based on demand for specific instrumentation and will be advertised via email announcement and on the CGI website. Topics covered include Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA library preparation, qPCR quantitation, Illumina NextSeq 500 sequencing and high level bioinformatics/run performance analysis. Please be sure to subscribe to the CGI ListServ if you would like to receive notifications of future trainings. CGI ListServ Registration.
If you have questions or would like more information about any of the services provided by the CGI, including quotes, experimental budgets for large sample sizes, personalized training or inquiries on workflows that are not listed in our service portfolio, contact Bo Reese.
(*) = External Rates: If a service center provides services to individuals or organizations outside of the University, the billing rates must include institutional indirect costs even though these costs are not included in the rates for internal University users. The FY16-17 rate adds an additional 58% to billable services.